Do you need ideas and stories to share in the Good News
Giving back even through all of changing and challenges situations of life.
Giving back even through all of changing and challenges situations of life.
Our amazing team of presenters and story tellers include teachers farmers business leaders and have volunteers their services to create usable content for you to access and use.
Everything on the site is not for profit and you are free to access and use. We only request that you recognise the contributors.
During the 2020 Pandemic of COVID19 we created on line videos for our local church and the children so they could have access to a regular Sunday School lesson. This was extended to our friends churches on several continents and now exists as a free to use for all facility for anyone looking to access materials or worksheets.
To spread the truth of the Love of Jesus to anyone of any age that the Father's Love was demonstrated through Christ Jesus and is for them so that they can walk with Him and Know Him personally.
We will post up and coming special events.